Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Last Days

Monday morning came pretty early. Will slept horribly and we ended up not getting out of bed until close to 7. But we packed up the car and I fed Will a couple times and we were finally ready to go by 9ish. Julee insisted we stay one more day. We talked it over and hated to leave so late in the morning so we decided we'd stay one more day.

We spent Monday just hangin' out and swimming. Will finally got to were he liked being in the pool. Olivia also had a big day and actually got in the water instead of playing around it. We were all so exhausted from playing outside all day, especially Layla and Olivia.

The following morning we really did leave. Will had several dirty diapers so we had to stop again and again. Luckily he slept quite a bit. We did get stuck in some traffic and it took about an hour to move 10 miles at one point. Thankfully Will slept through all that and we didn't run into any more delays and finally made it to home sweet home.

We had a great trip.