Monday, May 19, 2008


One of William's new foods is pumkin. He seems to enjoy it pretty well but occasionally it comes back up. So now we have pumpkin stains on several items including MY clothes, which is where I am drawing the line. I am going to forbid my son to eat anymore of this very nutritious fruit unless I can figure out something to get it out. I have soaked the items a couple times in Oxiclean but it doesn't seem to be helping. So if you know of anything that could possibly help, please pass along the info.


Michelle said...

My blogging buddy Alice swears by BIZ. This is what she wrote to Cynthia to help her out when she was having laundry trouble...

Fill your washer with hot water and a cup full of Biz bleach (for whites and colors) let the ruined clothes soak over night...I swear, for me and the crayons, I was SHOCKED it got our every last dried in stain....WOW! with the record BIZ deserves a plug.

It might be worth a try!!

Unknown said...

Hey Lori,
I don't know about Pumpkin but it has worked for just about everything else- Zout action foam spray. Good luck..


Jenny said...

Dual Shout and Biz are laundry stapes for me. If one doesn't get it out the other will.

Blake H said...

Try grape juice. I guarantee you the pumpkin stain will no longer be visible.