Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weight check

No, not my weight check (although that might be a good idea), Will's...

Will went in for his weight check yesterday. Guess what. No change. He weighed 12lbs 6oz. Again. I was a bit distraught by this. Seeing as how I had fed him every time he even acted like he might be hungry. He was putting on weight too. His cheeks were bigger and his clothes were fitting snugger. But he is just now getting over an upset stomach. That started on Easter. So, now we have to return next Wednesday to find out more.

It's not all that surprising seeing how he only was able to drink pedialyte for about 24 hours and most of the time he hardly could tolerate that. When Patrick dressed him on Wednesday for his appointment, he looked smaller. His little onesie was falling off of him. It made me sad.

But today is a new day. Will's appetite is back now and going on strong. He keeps down most everything, so I think the worst is over. I'm hopeful anyway...


Blake H said...

He's not gaining weight because muscle weighs more than fat. He needs an eight week program of protein shakes, weight lifting, and of course lots of steroids.