Monday, January 20, 2014


Jack has been having a really difficult time about going to his Sunbeam class. We had tried bribing with all sorts of things, his teachers had tried lots of things, and we talked a lot about being brave, scared, and every other emotion. One day last week, Jack mentioned something about going and feeding the ducks. The thought came that I hadn't tried that yet. I told him if he'd go to his class, after church on Sunday we would go and feed the ducks. He wasn't so sure, but agreed he would try. He finally, hesitantly went to class and of course enjoyed it much more than hanging out with me or Patrick. Afterwards he told me he had found his courage. I said I was so happy, and we went to feed the ducks in the cold January air. Wouldn't you know it, we had the ducks all to ourselves.

Today he proudly brought it up again that he had found his courage. I asked him where he thought his courage had been hiding. No sooner than I had asked the question he answered, "In my elbow." Never thought to look there, I must admit. Love that boy, and love his thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jack. Next time I need some courage I will check my elbow, too.