Friday, May 9, 2014

Job Perks

Samuel had been ready for bed hours ago. So when the earliest time came that I thought wasn't too dangerous to lay him down for the night, I went for it. He was being extra sweet after we'd rocked, and he'd finished his coconut milk.  I snuggled him up in his blanket with lamb lamb, kissed him, and headed towards the door listening to him babble as I walked. When I turned around to close the door and blow him kisses like I always do, he was laying there waving his sweet, chunky, not so baby, not yet toddler-sized arm and hand at me. I melted and thought I might explode for a second. I immediately thought, 'don't ever forget this moment...don't ever forget how much love you feel and fill right now.' I literally felt full. Tonight I'm feeling most thankful for that title that I so imperfectly own at times. And so thankful that I get another go at it tomorrow. I love being a mama.