Thursday, March 6, 2008


Sunday evening on our way home from Grandma's, I was sitting in the back seat with Will trying to keep him from fussing. I had left his hand toys at home so I was doing the best with what I had: keys, cell phone, and my face and hands. None of those really captivated him much, but I was trying. Patrick was sick so we had left him at home and rode with my mom. It was dark so I thought I would call Patrick to remind him to turn the lights on for us outside. As I was rummaging through the black hole that is my diaper bag, I suddenly panicked and new I had left it at Grandma's. She lives about 30 minutes away so this was quite inconvenient. I told Mom what I had done and she just looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Weren't you just keeping Will entertained with it?" I then realized it was in my lap.

A little later that evening my brother who lives out of state called. I asked if he had gotten the package I had sent to his daughter for her birthday at the beginning of Feb. He said they had received it along with another package from me--the one I had sent to Janel for her baby. So that helped clear up why she hadn't received it yet. Wow. I have completely lost it, and I bet this is just the beginning of the madness.